Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Black-eyed Susan Yet Again

Not focused well but I still liked it since it had the insects.

Black-eyed Susan Again

Same Black-eyed Susan but different settings. Shot with 70 - 300mm lens, 133mm focal length, ISO 100, f/8, shutter speed 1/200. A shame the fly moved around too quickly for me to get the full image of him...just barely got his wings.

Black-eyed Susan

One lonely Black-eyed Susan was in my field of wild flowers so I had to photograph it. Using my 70.0-300.0mm lens at a focal length of 130mm, I shot it with f/5.6, shutter speed of 1/100 and ISO of 100. Photoshop and Camera Raw were used to sharpen, crop and add borders and stroke.

Double Daylily Again...

This is the same image of my transplanted Double Daylily transplanted from my Uncle Vernor's home in Arkansas. This image was not processed using Photomatix, only with Photoshop. I used the 70-300mm lens, 130mm focal length; f/7.1; shutter speed 1/100; ISO 100. After doing the HDR image then this one I think this is my favorite. What do you think?

Monday, June 14, 2010

Uncle Vernor's Daylily

This double daylily is an important plant because of its ties to my family and remembrances of my Arkansas roots. It is a transplant from my Uncle Vernor's house in Arkansas. Originally, I guess it was my Grandpa Carter's land, so its roots has been around a long time. The metadata for the photo shoot is as follows:
Canon EOS Rebel with lens 70mm-300mm; focal length of 133mm; ISO 100, f/7.1, three shots using 1/25, 1/100, 1/400 then used Photomatix to create an HDR image. Photoshop was then used to complete the canvas size and stroke around the image.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Swallowtail on Tiger Lillys

Getting the most of my Tiger Lilly flowers and a random butterfly, I took this shot again using 70.0-300mm lens with f8, shutter speed 1/40 and ISO 400 at 300 mm focal length.

Flying Butterfly

Loved this shot!

Lilly Stamin

Using my 70-300mm lens with a shutter speed of 1/30, ISO 400, f8, and 300mm focal length on macro setting I am able to see things from a new world. I never knew there was the tiniest of arrowhead shapes on top of the middle stamin. AMAZING!


This was taken using bracketing with 70-300mm f8. with shutter speeds of 1/4, 1/15 and 1/60. I used Photomatix tonemapping to get HDR effect then pulled it into Photoshop and added a craquelure texture.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Tiger Lilly

My Tiger Lillys are beautiful this year. Hoped to capture them for remembering in the cold gray winter months. I used 70-300mm lens bracketed at 1/8, 1/125 and 1/30 with f/7.1 making the HDR image with Photomatix.

Grandaddy Long Legs

Used 70-300mm lens with f/5.6 aperture at 300mm focal length. Love trying to capture the unexpected...the grandaddy long-legs came along as I was shooting the newly bloomed tiger lillys. He wasn't a bit camera shy!

First Splash of Summer

She will be begging to come to Nana's this summer because she took to the water like a duck in a pond. "Let me go!" was her plea...we're really going to have to watch her closely!